
Shapa is a health management program that helps you monitor your progress and achieve your weight and health goals on your terms. Using behavioral science and artificial intelligence, Shapa creates a customized solution that fits within your lifestyle and keeps you accountable for a lifetime of health and happiness. 

Secured measurements captured on the platform

How does Shapa work?

Shapa learns your current health conditions, lifestyle, and environment to design a plan that works for you.

You receive a customized set of daily missions, tips, and mindful nutrition log to incrementally improve your habits. 

Monitor progress through daily weigh-ins to see your color weight trend and capture your blood pressure.

Shapa adapts the plan based on progress and preferences leading you to improved clinical outcomes.

Meet the Shapa Numberless Scale

  • Start each day with a weigh-in to set your intentions.
  • Receive feedback based on Shapa’s 5-color feedback system showing the direction your weight is trending over the past few weeks. 
  • Eliminate confusion, frustration, and demotivation from fluctuations and instead focus on the small changes to improve that day. 

Shapa Blood Pressure

  • Captures systolic, diastolic, and resting heart rate measurements.
  • 21 day numberless experience to help you overcome White Coat Syndrome and identify your true blood pressure. 
  • Seamlessly track trends and progress over time.

Shapa Program

  • Customized Missions for chronic conditions including hypertension, diabetes, and CHF.
  • Reward and recognition to keep you motivated to reach the next level.
  • In depth progress review to help you see how far you’ve come. 

Shapa Admin Portal

  • Share your data with your clinical or coaching team through our HIPAA secure portal.
  • Receive customized notifications to improve your plan.
  • Provide the ability for your care team to receive notifications around health parameters.